Israel Can Accept Biden's Plan for a Ceasefire, But...
Public Diplomacy Mission, part 2
Public Diplomacy Mission, part 1
The World is not divided into Friends of Israel and Antisemites
I am a left-wing IDF reservist. Ceasefire is a bad idea.
The War in Gaza: On Jews, Justice, and Gen-Z
The Year of Democracy
Zionism is Progressivism? Deciphering the Progressive Liberal Jewish Discourse on Israel
The U.S.-Israel Relations: Rise and Fall?
From the rebellion against Rome to the U.S.-Israel, nothing changed (by Yishay Kimmelman)
VP Harris: We have achieved so much together, there is still so much more work to do.
Every decent human needs to be grateful for Iron Dome
"We don't have a choice but Liberal Zionism."
The Strange Case of Jennifer Klain
Israel may become a Republican state (by Michal Porat)
The Israeli-Democratic Alliance is celebrating its first year of activity and its achievements!
Now is the time for Progressive Zionists
The long road to progress
Three things to know about the conflict in Gaza
Violence knows no boundaries - and it hurst everyone